What is global warming meaning in environmental chemistry?
Global warming meaning introduction
Global warming is a very important issue in environmental science. In a word, global warming meaning, an increase in the average temperature of the earth.
The basic point is that the visible light rays from the sun are incident on the earth’s surface and it is reflected by the earth’s surface that absorbed by various gaseous substances of atmosphere as it returns to space.
This increases the average temperature of the atmosphere.This phenomenon is called global warming.
Global warming explanation
The average temperature of the earth is around 20 degrees Celsius. It is less in some areas and more in others.
In temperate countries, especially in winter, the temperature drops to freezing. Again in tropical countries this temperature is much higher.
However, in the last 50 years, the average global temperature has been rising rapidly. Environmentalists see that this trend accelerating over time.
Scientists say that if global warming cannot be stopped, global average temperatures could rise by up to 1 degree Celsius per every ten years.
Before we can stop the average global temperature rise, we need to know how the Earth’s temperature is rising.
We know that the light energy that comes from the sun to the earth’s surface is basically visible light rays.
With this a very small amount of ultraviolet rays also come to the surface. The wavelength of incident light is 400–650 nm.
All of these light rays are reflected by the earth’s surface and do not go into space.34% of the incident light is reflected from the earth’s surface and goes back into space.
23% is spent on evaporating water and pumping water vapor for the water cycle. 42% of this light energy is absorbed by the atmosphere, land and seawater.
It also costs a little less than 1% to move the air and keeps the seawater flowing.A very small amount of total light energy i.e. 0.023% is expended for photosynthesis.
However, the light rays reflected from the earth’s surface and sent back into space are long-wavelength infrared rays.Its wavelength is 7750 nm, that is, basically it is heat energy.
Now the whole region with the adjacent atmosphere is called the greenhouse of the earth.
The carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chloro fluoro carbon (CFC), ozone (O3) and water vapor in this atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases.
Among all of these greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, water vapor, CFC and CH4, are capable of absorbing infrared rays and hence they are responsible for global warming.
As a result, not all of the energy radiated from the earth’s surface can be returned in space. Consequently, the average (20ᵒ C) temperature of the earth’s surface rises.
It has been found that the role of carbon dioxide gas alone in increasing the average temperature of the earth is 49 percent.
The role of different gaseous elements (greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere for global warming is shown as a percentage.
Global warming conclusion
According to environmentalists, one of the most complex and important problems in the world today is the greenhouse effect or global warming.
The subject is so important that it is also discussed in Botany, Ecology, Physics, Geography, etc.
Environmentalists are constantly experimenting with how to protect the world from this greenhouse effect, that is, the effects of global warming.