Chemical bonding-definition-examples and importance in chemistry.


Chemical bonding definition in chemistry

The force of attraction, through which two or more atoms of similar or different elements, are connected to form basic or compound molecule or ion , that force of attraction is called chemical bonding .

The chemical bond is formed due to electrostatic force of attraction between two or more atoms with opposite charges or by sharing of electrons among the different elements.

Chemical Bonding Examples In Chemistry

There are three types of chemical bonding in chemistry .

( I ) Electrovalent or ionic bonding ( II ) Covalent bonding ( III ) Co-ordinate bonding or dative bonding .

Besides this, there are another two type of bonding are also known to us which are treat as chemical bonding.

They are metallic bonding and hydrogen bonding.

Examples of the above main three type of chemical bonding is shown above.

Why elements undergo chemical reaction?

It has been experimentally found that, the ionization potential of noble gas elements are very much high but their electron affinity is very much low.

Therefore, noble gas elements do not takes part in chemical reaction. That is, they are chemically inactive .

For this reason, noble gas elements are also called inert gas or zero valent elements .

The electronic configuration of ‘He’ is 1s2 . But the common electronic configuration of rest of the other inert gas elements are ns2 np6 .

That is, except helium , all the noble gas elements contains eight electrons in their outer most valence shell.

According to Kossel-Lewis theory, most of the elements have a tendency to maintain eight electrons ( octet rule ) in their outer most valence shell at the time of chemical reaction , so that they attain noble gas like electronic configuration.

Because , it is a more stable electronic configuration. For this purpose, most of the elements under goes chemical reaction to form more stable basic or compound molecule or ions.

That is, they combine to each other to form a union of two or more atoms, through redistribution of their valence electrons.

Chemical bonding importance in chemistry

There is a great significant or importance of chemical bonding in chemistry world. All the compounds ( both organic and inorganic ) are created with the help of chemical bonding .

Any chemical change or chemical reaction in our every day chemistry can not happen without formation of chemical bonding.

Without chemical bonding any matter ( The earth, the moon, the stars etc ) in the world Can not exist .

Because , chemical bonding (Electro-valent or ionic bonding, Covalent bonding , Co-ordinate bonding or dative bonding ) connects the atoms or molecules to each other to form compound as well as matter.

Chemical bonding helps to joining atoms or molecules together. It is also helps molecules of the same or different substance to get together through joining to each other .

Solid , liquid, or gaseous matter can exist in the nature due to chemical bonding .

Consequently, chemical bonding is very much important for the existence of matter in the earth.



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