Acid rain causes and effects on environment


Acid Rain Causes In Environmental Chemistry

Acid rain causes are directly proportional to the air pollution. Because, most of the air polluted gaseous oxides such as NO2, SO2, NO, CO2 and SO3 etc are responsible for acid rain.

These gaseous oxides combine with normal rain water and fall on the earth surface in the form of acid rain.

There are various sources from which these gaseous oxides enter the atmosphere. The entire sources are divided into categories.

  • Acid rain due to man-made causes and
  • Acid rain due to natural causes

Acid rain due to man-made causes and

Man-made sources are the main causes of acid rain. A huge amount of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride etc gas enters into the air due to man-made causes.

For example, combustion of fossil fuels containing carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, large amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide gas enter into the air.

Besides, huge amount of CO2 from thermal power station, oil refineries, in the lifting of mineral oil, in the metal extraction industry and from the complete combustion of agricultural waste enter the atmosphere.

A large amount of SO2 and SO3 gas from oil refineries, sulfuric acid production industry and also from various types of steel production industry enter into the air.

Chemical fertilizer preparation and use, combustion ofbiomass, preparation of nitric acid, preparations of various types of steel, at the time of atomic explosion etc process produces huge amount of NO2 and NO gas.

Motor vehicle, factory etc emit large extent of SO2, NO2, CO2 etc gas and they enter into the air.

Again, a little amount of hydrogen chloride gas from HCl acid production industries entered the atmosphere.

Acid rain due to natural cause

There are few natural events such as volcanic eruption, forest fire etc by which a small portion of SO2, NO2, CO2 etc gaseous oxides enter the atmosphere.

Volcanic eruption

The reaction of atmospheric N2 and O2 naturally also produce NO2 gas at the time of lightning.

Besides these, a little amount of NO2 enters the atmosphere that formed by the dissociation of nitrogenous compounds of soil by soil bacteria.

Although, the gases responsible for acid rain grow less in the air due to natural causes.

Now, the above said gaseous oxides and HCl gas combine with rain water and form various mineral acid such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid which fall on the earth in the form of acid rain.

Acid Rain Effects On Environment

Acid rain contains mineral acid such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. That is why acid rain is corrosive innature. It can damage everything when come in contact.

Acid rain has baneful effect both on animal world and plants world partially or entirely. Acid rain has a devastating effect in the five main sectors.

  • Acid rain effect on soil
  • Acid rain effect on aquatic life
  • Acid rain effect on forest
  • Acid rain effect on architecture and sculpture
  • Acid rain effect on human health

Acid rain effect on soil

Acid rain increases soil acidity. As a result of this the solubility of various metals and metallic salts present in the soil is changed. This reduces the fertility of the soil.

Consequently, crop yields also decrease drastically. Also the leaves of the tree become burn and curl due to acid rain.

As a result, trees face to problem for photosynthesis process and hence decrease plant growth and disease resistance.

Acid rain effect on aquatic life

Acid rain has a harmful effect on aquatic animals. The reservoir has a specified pH value, under which the aquatic animals are survived. Now, the acidity of reservoir enhance due to acid rain.

This reduces the ability of the fish to lay eggs. As a result, the physical processes of the fish are disrupted.

Besides, if the acidity increases too much, then the growth of algae, aquatic insects, fish, etc. decreases or dies.

Also at pH level below 5.6, aquatic animals with shells such as algae, shell fish, oysters etc reduces or dies. That is, the ecosystem of hydrosphere is disturbed or destroyed.

Acid rain effect on forest

Acid rains cause severe damage to vast forests. Acid rain comes directly on the leaves of the tree.

As a result, the leaves of the tree shrivel and the green particles of the leaves are destroyed and hence photosynthesis process on green leave is disrupted.

Again, acid rain increases the acidity of soil and removing useful nutrients from the soil, it slows the growth of plants. So, taking of foods from soil becomes problematic for plants.

Acid rain effect on architecture and sculpture

Due to acid rain, different types of houses built of marble or lime stone, memorial, building etc are affected.

For examples, Tajmahal, Victoria memorial, kutub minar, Lalkila etc historical architectures are deadly affected acid rain.

When acids of acid rain come in contact with these architecture and sculpture, it reacts with lime stone or marble to cause wounds.

There are many world famous architectures built by lime stone. These architectures react with acid of acid rain and form CaSO4, Ca (NO3)2 compounds.

In the presence of these sulfate and nitrate salts, gradually fading and graying.

Acid rain effect on human health

Acid rain has also a damning effect on human health directly or indirectly. Due to high acidity of acid rain, sometimes it causes of human injury or death.

The various harmful metallic substances dissolve in water under the influence of acid mixed rain and they enter the human body through water.

This results in severe damage to the nervous system, respiratory system, and digestive system. Also acid rain damages human skin, hair and cells. It causes irritation of skin.

  • Acid rain causes and effects on environment
  • Acid rain causes in environmental chemistry
  • Acid rain effects on environment



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